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The Origin of the Jack-O'-Lantern

The Origin of the Jack-O'-Lantern

Jack-o'-lantern is not always a pumpkin in Ireland. It can often be a turnup or any kind of gourd. The history of this use of a gourd and carving a face has been done for centuries and were used for many a purpose, including scaring the ghosts and goblins of the past away! However, even in Ireland often to this day on dark spooky nights a strange, glowing ball will rise out of a peat bog and go drifting across the countryside leaving many a scared peasant in its path. It carries many a strange tales of fairy lights and banshees and things that go bump in the night. Yet, do not be afraid, soul. It is really a glob of phosphorous gas built up in the swamp until it burps up out of the muck and floats away ... well, maybe ... !


Over the next several weeks, I will be publishing, with the aid of my daughter, Bettse Folsom, a series of answer & questions & snippets about Ireland that many people have asked me during events where I have attended. The recordings of these can be found on my YouTube channel, HelenWalshFolsom or if you have a question, please contact me by email and I will be happy to address it.

Thank you for reading my blog!

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